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340 Madison Avenue, Suite 4C
New York, NY 10173
Telephone: 212-687-1983

After evaluating your periodontal health, Dr. Sarett will work with
you to determine the treatment options that best meet your needs.
If periodontal disease is your problem, the treatment can vary widely,
depending on how far the diseases have progressed. If caught in the
early stages, simple procedures are done that will remove the plaque
and calculus from below the gum line and disrupt the infection-
causing bacteria. If these diseases have advanced to the point where
the periodontal pockets are deep and the supporting bone is lost,
further treatment might be necessary.

Scaling and Root Planing (Deep Cleaning)
Scaling and root planing are what some people call a "Deep Cleaning."
It is a step above a "regular" cleaning that you might receive at your
general dentist's office and a step below surgical procedure. It is a
non-surgical technique that removes plaque and calculus below the
gum line.

Localized Antibiotic Treatment
Using local antibiotics is a conservative, non-surgical way to treat pockets of infection caused by periodontal disease. It is used in conjunction with scaling and root planing.

This treatment is the removal of unhealthy granular tissue between the gum and tooth. Reduces pocket depth.

Laser Therapy
A soft tissue laser is utilized to reduce pocketing which was previously performed with a scalpel. It is also used to reduce inflammation of gum tissue. This laser offers the most precise control of soft tissue cutting, resulting in a cleaner cut with less bleeding and supreme patient comfort. The laser's other capabilities including relief of lesions, periodontal "pocket therapy", and treatment of frenectomy.

Surgical Treatments
If your periodontal disease has progressed into the bone around your teeth and you have horizontal or vertical bone loss, it is likely that a surgical procedure will be necessary. These minor surgical procedures address the bone loss. You cannot predictably keep deep pockets clean and free of plaque just by brushing and flossing. Therefore laser therapy and soft tissue therapy is employed.



Dr. Sarett will work with you
to determine the treatment
options that best meet your periodontal needs.